Homeless II

Homeless II

Homeless II

Material and Size:
Countless of China’s Falun Gong practitioners, such as the young woman depicted here, have been rendered homeless and destitute as a result of relentless persecution by China’s communist regime. Held closely is the main book of Falun Gong’s teachings, Zhuan Falun, suggesting both its place in a practitioner’s heart and the holding fast to principle; for refusing to recant their beliefs, many in China face torture. Since 1999, millions of Falun Gong practitioners have thus been put at risk. The angelic presence here suggests a sense of higher support and meaning in the woman’s life.

Poster Size: 19.5" x 26"

Canvas Size: 29.7" x 40"

Painter: Yuan Li

***Canvas Processing time: 1-2 weeks***

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